Have you ever pondered

Have you ever pondered that human life is a continuous battle, ongoing without respite? It’s an endless struggle, sometimes with ourselves, sometimes with the circumstances we find ourselves in, and sometimes with the relationships that are intertwined with us. At times, it’s unclear where and how this war of ours began, where it will end, and why it even started. Perhaps, the war within oneself commences when one feels deprived of the right to live life according to their desires and choices. But what should one do when there seems to be no way out, no option? In such circumstances, the battle becomes personal, fought within one’s own being. Sometimes, circumstances compel a person to conform to a path they didn’t wish for, making an effort to change, yet destiny may not always cooperate.

The most challenging battles are often with those relationships that are closely tied to us, making life seem meaningless or purposeless without them. These relationships may be significant, incompatible, or solely focused on their happiness and interests, utilizing your identity as a stepping stone to reach their destination. They may not even acknowledge your contribution, and then the pain sets in. Now, the related person may not feel the impact, but in the end, you experience feelings of sorrow, disappointment, and injustice. Amidst this, a unique battle takes shape, one that is fought only within oneself. These relationships can be with a spouse, children, and parents, or sometimes even among siblings.

Regardless of the circumstances and the issues that arise, in all of these, we are often the ones inflicting the most punishment upon ourselves. Why is that?

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